File named dockerfile with no file extension that contains instructions for building the image.
run docker
to see a list of commands. Then docker <command> --help
to get help on individual commands.
Pull to pull an image or build to build from a dockerfile
- docker pull
- pulls image with tag lts-debian-10
- docker build -t linux-powershell .
- builds from dockerfile in current folder (".") and tags with linux-powershell.
- using a file not named dockerfile can be done with -file
- docker build -f mydockerfile .
This generates an image. Then it needs to be Run or Created to get a container which can then be started.
Run to create and start or start to just start an existing containter
- docker run -it --name linux-powershell linux-powershell
- creates and starts a docker container based on given image, names it linux-powershell and sets it to interactive so standard in/out is written from/to console.
- can also be a remote image: docker run -it --name linux-powershell
- use docker create instead to split and allow for docker start afterwards
- docker start -i linux-powershell
- starts the container mentioned above.
Common issues
- Sometimes updated files used in COPY doesn't update inside container when rebuild. In that case it might help to build with --no-cache:
- docker build --no-cache
- Connecting to something on the host machine can be done with host.docker.internal on windows and linux systems
- Can't easily use kerberos/ad from inside docker
See also rancher